Marty1, Benoit Larrat2, Mathieu Pernot2,
Philippe Robert3, Marc Port3, Caroline Robic3,
Denis Le Bihan1, Franck Lethimonnier1, Mickael Tanter2,
Sbastien Mriaux1
1CEA/DSV/I2BM/NeuroSpin, Gif sur Yvette, France; 2Institut Langevin/ESPCI ParisTech/INSERM U979, Paris, France; 3Research Division, Guerbet, Aulnay sous Bois, France
Lately, many studies have shown the ability to disrupt locally and transiently the Blood Brain Barrier with low power ultrasound sonication of intravascular microbubbles. Here, we used contrast agents of different diameters to estimate the maximum molecule size able to penetrate cerebral tissues and T1 mapping to quantitatively study and model the closure mechanism of BBB after opening. From experimental data and BBB closure modeling, we obtained a calibration curve predicting half closure time as a function of contrast agent size. Those findings are valuable information to control precisely the amount of drug delivered across the BBB after systemic injection.