Sebastian Hirsch1,
Thomas J. Kroencke1, Jing Guo2, Rolf Reiter1,
Sebastian Papazoglou1, Patrick Asbach1, Juergen Braun3,
Ingolf Sack1
of Radiology, Charit - Universittsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2Department
of Radiology, Charite - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 3Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charite - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany
3D vector field MRE was performed in 13 patients with hepatic portal hypertension before and after interventional TIPPS placement in order to assess the sensitivity of volumetric strain and shear strain to hepatic pressure. The method was validated in an excised sheep liver at artificial hepatic pressure levels. In both studies, volumetric strain was found to decrease with increasing pressure, whereas shear strain appears to be invariant w.r.t pressure changes. In patients, the averaged increase of volumetric strain due to TIPS was 21&[plusmn]13, P=1.38∙10-5. Furthermore, we found a strong correlation between the hepatic pressure decrease and volumetric strain (R^2=0.776).