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Abstract #3423

Induction of Apoptosis by High Levels of Oscillatory Shear Strain: Proof of Concept in a Human Colon Cancer Metastasis Cell Line.

Philippe Garteiser1, Mouniya Mebarki1, Sabrina Doblas1, Simon Auguste Lambert1, Valrie Vilgrain2, Bernard E. Van Beers2, Valerie Paradis3, Ralph Sinkus1

1U773-CRB3, INSERM, Universite Sorbonne Paris-Cite, Paris, 75018, France; 2Service de Radiologie, AP-HP Hopital Beaujon, Clichy, 92110, France; 3Service d'Anatomo-Pathologie, AP-HP Hopital Beaujon, Clichy, 92110, France

Cells are able to sense their mechanical environment and to respond to it via appropriate cellular responses mediated via mechanotransduction. In particular, many cell types can regulate their levels of apoptosis, or programmed cell death, depending on which mechanical stimuli they receive. In the present communication, we show that calibrated levels of oscillatory shear strain, as measured by MR elastography, is sufficient to induce cellular death via apoptosis in the human colon cancer metastasis cell line, DHDK12.


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