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Abstract #3824

Comparison of DANTE Prepared Black Blood (BB) -TSE with Conventional BB Methods

Linqing Li1, Peter Jezzard1

1FMRIB, Clinical Neurology Department, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

We have previously demonstrated that the DANTE (a rapid series of low flip angle RF pulses interspersed with gradients) preparation is a very promising black blood technique. In this work, a comprehensive comparison of T1, T2 weighted and proton density imaging was performed. In addition, further application to a DANTE-prepared multi-slab 3D GRASE sequence was investigated. The improvement of the DANTE method over the existing methods is considerable in T1, T2 and Pd weighted 2D imaging. DANTE may be adapted as a BB module for 3D BB acquisition.


accrued acquisition adapted addition ages application applied artery attenuated background bandwidth biomedical black blood carotid clinical coil common comprehensive concatenation considerable contrast define defined definition delay density deviation dispersion duration effective efficiency eight embedding employing existing flow flowing fluid fully funding general gradient gradients grant healthy helpful improvement indicates indicating insensitive intensity inter interleaved interpolated interspersed investigated kingdom largely listed longitudinal lumen magnetization male matrix miller module modules mostly motion muscle neck neurology noise novel oxford peter pixel preliminary preparation prepared preserved previously product progressive promising proposed protocol protocols proton pulse pulses quantitative radiology rapid reaches read readout receiver represents reserved residual revision robust saturation scanner sensitized sequential series since slab slice slices slow speed spin spins static suggestion suppressed table tables thank threshold tissue trains triggered turbo turbulent underwent velocity volunteers wall whose years