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Abstract #3564

Double Wave Vector Diffusion Weighting in Wallerian Degeneration

Martin A. Koch1, 2, Jrgen Finsterbusch1

1Systems Neuroscience, Neuroimage Nord, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 2Institute of Medical Engineering, University of Lbeck, Lbeck, Germany

Double wave vector diffusion weighting is a new approach for assessing tissue characteristics such as mean pore size and shape: for restricted diffusion the MR signal acquired with two successive diffusion weighting periods may depend on the angle between the two applied gradient directions. At short mixing times, the signal difference between parallel and antiparallel gradient orientations can be related to the mean pore size. It is investigated whether the size estimate derived from this signal difference is sensitive to pathological changes in the tissue microstructure of the corticospinal tracts.


accounted accounts acquisition aligned amplitude applied approximately arbitrarily array arrow arrowhead ascertain assessing averaging axis axon axons beck blue body cerebral characterized chosen coil conditions cord corrected correspond crusher defined degeneration delay delineated densely depend derived diameter diameters diffusion disintegrated double duration eigenvalue engineering excluded exhibits explanation expression extracellular finite gradient gradients hamburg head hemisphere hemispheres hindered horizontal human indicate infarct inferior institute insult investigated investigation lost martin medical medulla middle might months motion necrotic need nominal orientation orientations oriented packed parallel paresis partial pathological patient periods perpendicular phenomenon phys planar pore pores position positions positive preparation prepared presence probabilistic pulses quantitative radius readout receive recent reduction refocusing remain repetitions required resolution restriction samples scales segment selective sensitive shape shaped short side slice slices spin spinal stack strictly structure subjects successive suggest superior tends tensor theory threshold tissue tracking tract tracts trio vector views violates violation volunteer wave weber years yields