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Abstract #4454

4D Flow MRI Assessment of Cerebral Blood Flow After Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass

Tetsuro Sekine1, Yasuo Amano1, Ryo Takagi1, Yasuo Murai2, Yuriko Suzuki3, Shinichiro Kumita1

1Radiology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan; 2Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan; 3Philips Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan

4D Flow assessment was examined in 19 patients after extracranial-intracranial bypass. Analysis: 1, Blood flow volume (BFV). 2, Direction of blood flow. 3, Pressure gradient at the M1. The flow direction correlates with the type of bypass. The pressure gradient at M1 correlates with the BFV difference between BFV of contralateral ICA plus BA and BFV of bypass.


acquisition alter anastomosis aneurysm aneurysms arrow arrowheads arrows arterial arteries artery assess assessment augment basilar bifurcation black blood bloodstream bypass capacity cardiac carotid cavernous cerebral circle circulation classified collateral conditions contrast correlated correlates correlation created curved degree difficult disturbances early elasticity elderly electronics enlarged enrolled environment establish evaluated flow flows frequent frequently generated gradient graft grafts green impact improvement induce inherent internal investigated japan known ligation long maintains materials medical native near negative neurosurgery occlusion origin patent pathological pathology patient patients pattern plus positive post pressure profiles purple quantifies radial radiology received related remaining rendering reserve resolved restricted retrograde school segment short significantly software solid square subsequently subtraction successfully superficial surgery surgically symptomatic temporal third types underwent vascular velocity vessel view visualizes volume wall whereas white woman years