Andre Kuehne1,
2, Patrick Waxmann2, Werner Hoffmann2, Harald
Pfeiffer2, Reiner Seemann2, Frank Seifert2,
Bernd Ittermann2
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 2Department for Medical
Metrology, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, Germany
An extensible multichannel small signal chain and its application to transmit SENSE experiments at 3T is presented. Up to 20 channels can be driven by a 2x4HE 19" units, with the possibility of interconnecting and synchronizing multiple of these nodes.It is capable to work with any scanner, given a clock and trigger signal is provided, and can be used for a wide range of frequencies up to 300 MHz. The obtained images are indistinguishible from images generated with the manufacturer's small signal chain, proving its feasibility.