David T. A. Fuentes1,
Samuel J. Fahrenholtz2, Anil Shetty3, Roger J.
McNichols3, Jeffrey S. Weinberg2, John D. Hazle2,
Jason Stafford2
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States; 2MD
Anderson, Houston, TX, United States; 3Visualase Inc., Houston,
Tx, United States
Significant efforts are ongoing to incorporate predictive prospective computer simulation into MRgLITT procedures. Truly predictive prospective computer modeling requires substantial validation efforts and novel computer modeling techniques that incorporate the uncertainty of the input of computer model parameters. Statistical methods provide novel methodologies for modeling the complex bioheat transfer phenomena. Within the probabilistic setting of uncertainty quantification (UQ), the range of constitutive nonlinearities may be modeled through the uncertainty within the linear UQ problem. This novel modeling techniques facilitates a substantial increase in computational efficiency while maintaining the predictability in the computer modeling by incorporating the advanced bioheat transfer phenomena.