Eo-Jin Hwang1,
Min-Ji Kim2, Hyug-gi Kim3, Kyung-Mi Lee4,
Ji-Seon Park, Wook Jin2, Dal-Mo Yang2, Geon-Ho Jahng2
Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Seoul, Korea; 2KyungHee
University Hospital at GangDong, Seoul, Korea; 3KyungHee University,
YoungIn, Gyeonggi-do, Korea; 4Department of Radiology, Kyung Hee
University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
The objective of this study was to apply voxel-based analyses to compare the susceptibility changes among three different groups, cognitive normal (CN), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and Alzheimers disease (AD) using a quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) technique. The QSM images were produced by implementing a Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) method, and the direct comparisons of the whole brains between CN and MCI, CN and AD, and MCI and AD subjects were performed. Throughout the study, the brain regions where different susceptibility effects existed were identified, and the effects of both paramagnetic and diamagnetic substances were visible in all comparisons.