Daniel Coman1,
Yuegao Huang1, Henk M. De Feyter1, Douglas L. Rothman1,
2, Fahmeed Hyder1, 2
Radiology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States; 2Biomedical
Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States
Development of MRI contrast agents has provided outstanding ability to identify diseased tissue, while MRS has unlocked new windows into molecular bases of diseases. But no magnetic resonance technology exists that can extract quantitative molecular information from a contrasted region. Beyond the gray scale distinction of an affected tissue targeted by an MRI contrast agent we cannot assess the state of the affected tissue because MR signals are compromised by the presence of contrast agents. In this present work we show that TmDOTP5- can be used as dual contrast agent for tumor detection and molecular MR reporting of cellular status.