Kawin Setsompop1,
2, Stephen F. Cauley3, Himanshu Bhat4, Jonathan
R. Polimeni1, 2, Lawrence L. Wald1, 2
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Charlestown, MA, United States; 2Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States; 3Massachusetts General
Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States; 4Siemens Medical
Solutions, Charlestown, MA, United States
Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) acquisition with blipped-CAIPI scheme has enabled dramatic reduction in imaging time for fMRI and Diffusion imaging. The signal leakage is an important metric that characterizes signal corruption (due to leakage of signal from one slice to another) for such an acquisition. . In this work, we demonstrate a technique that can be used to rapidly compute signal leakage metrics, and demonstrate two techniques to modifying the slice-GRAPPA (SG) reconstruction to significantly reduce leakage artifact without affecting the g-factor penalty.