Seongjin Choi1,
Ria Mazumder2, Petra Schmalbrock1, Michael V. Knopp1,
Richard D. White1, 3, Arunark Kolipaka1,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States; 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United
States; 3Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States
Diffusion-based tractography has the potential to delineate complex cardiac muscle fiber architecture. We explored fractional anisotropy distribution, angle and length threshold dependency of tractography in a fixed heart specimen. Tracking method used in the brain research was applied straightforwardly. Among three tracking constraints, seeding FA value and minimum fiber length threshold noticeably affected the tractography results. z-component of principal eigenvectors was useful index for subepi/subendocardium segmentation. Three long fiber bundles of interest and subepi/subendocardium were segmented as a demonstration of this approach.