Eito Kozawa1,
Masahiro Takahasi1, Tomomi Kato2, Masanori Yasuda3,
Keiichi Fugiwara4, Fumiko Kimura5
Diagnosis, Saitama Medical University, International Medical Center,
Hidaka-shi, Saitama, Japan; 2Pathologic Diagnosis, Saitama Medical
University, International Medical Center, Hidaka-shi, Saitama, Japan; 3Pathologic
Diagnosis, Saitama medical University,International Medical Center,
Hidaka-shi, Saitama, Japan; 4Gynecologic Oncology, Saitama Medical
University, International Medical Center, Hidaka-shi, Saitama, Japan; 5Imaging
Diagnosis, Saitama Medical University,International Medical Center,
Hidaka-shi, Saitma, Japan
Ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma and sertoliform endometrioid adenocarcinoma belong to the surface epithelial-stromal tumors. Sertoliform endometrioid adenocarcinoma is an uncommon variant, and comprises a portion resembling endometrioid adenocarcinoma and a portion resembling sex-cord stromal tumor. The aim of this study was to investigate differential imaging features between ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma and sertolifolm endometrioid adenocarcinoma on magnetic resonance imaging. In quantitative assessment, SIR values of sertoliform endometrioid adenocarcinoma reflecting T2-low signal intensity yielded low values than those of endometioid adenocarcinoma. MR imaging findings of endometrioma were more likely endometrioid adenocarcinoma, whereas SIR of seltoliform ednometrioid adenocarcinoma yielded low values.