Sanaz Jansen1,
Yurong Song1, Lilia Ileva2, Lucy Lu1, Terry
Van Dyke1
Cancer Genetics Program, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, United
States; 2Small Animal Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute,
Frederick, MD, United States
We have established a clinically relevant framework for MRI-based characterization of two distinct cancers in mice, brain astrocytoma and breast ductal carcinoma. We applied this approach in over 200 mice representing a diversity of mouse models, from commonly used xenografts to advanced genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) wherein key molecular pathways relevant to human astrocytoma (Rb,Ras,PTEN) and breast cancer (Rb,p53, BRCA1) are genetically altered. Our approach represents a new strategy for image-based characterization of cancer in mouse models, including acquisition, analysis and pathologic correlation. With this framework, we can embark on further investigation into the biological underpinnings of image-based features. Temp