Giulia Di Pietro1,
2, Marco Palombo3, 4, Jacopo Baldi5,
Eleonora Piccirilli5, Monica Celi5, Umberto Tarantino5,
Silvia Capuani6, 7
Physics Department, Sapienza University, Roma, Rome, Italy; 2Physics
Department, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy; 3Physics
Department, Sapienza University , Rome, Italy; 4CNR IPCF UOS
Roma, Physics Department, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy; 5Department
of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Rome Tor Vergata,, Roma,
Italy; 6Sapienza University, Rome, Italy; 7CNR IPCF UOS
Roma, Physics Department, Sapienza University , Rome, Italy
Aim of this study was to investigate the microstructural features in muscles of osteoporotic(OP) and osteoarthritic(OA) women with DTI. Our in vitro preliminary results highlight that FA is lower in OP when compared to OA. As a consequence OP muscle has a more isotropic microstructure compared to that of OA muscle. Moreover MD, and radial diffusivity are lower in OA compare to OP, while no differences was found in axial diffusivity. These results are in agreement with previous histological results obtained in OP muscles in which type II fibers atrophy occurs, with a consequent enlargement of water spaces between fibers.