Bretta Russell-Schulz1,
Anna Bley2, Arshia Seddigh3, William Regan1,
Gareth John Barker4, Naomi Sibtain3, Roger Tam1,
Anthony L. Traboulsee1, Steven C.R. Williams4, Peter A.
Brex3, Shannon H. Kolind1
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 2TU Berlin, Berlin,
Germany; 3King's College Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 4Department
of Neuroimaging, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
The goal of this study was to determine whether primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) cervical cord volume (CCV) is related to the MS functional composite score, or its component tests of upper limb motor function (nine-hole peg test), lower limb motor function (timed 25-foot walk) or cognitive function (paced auditory serial addition test). CCV in the PPMS group was significantly lower than for controls, and smaller CCV correlated with longer timed 25-foot walks. CCV was negatively correlated with age in PPMS but not controls.