Edison Pardo1,
Pamela Guevara1, Delphine Duclap2, Josselin Houenou2,
Alice Lebois2, Benoit Schmitt2, Denis Le Bihan2,
Jean-Franois Mangin2, Cyril Poupon2
of Concepcin, Concepcin, Chile; 2I2BM, CEA-Neurospin,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France, France
The construction of an atlas of the human brain connectome, in particular, the cartography of fiber bundles of superficial WM is a complex an unachieved task. In this work we applied an automatic WM segmentation method proposed in the literature for the analysis of variability analysis of a big amount of superficial WM bundles. The method was applied to 20 subjects of a HARDI high quality database, adding several processing steps in order to improve the results. Then we studied the variability of 40 SWM fiber bundles from each hemisphere, and we constructed a model of these bundles in MNI space.