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Abstract #3638

Comparison of Monoexponential,Biexponential and Stretched-Exponential Models of DWI in Grading Gliomas

Yan Bai1, Meiyun Wang1, Dapeng Shi1, Jinyuan Zhou2

1Radiology, Henan Provincial People's Hospital, Zhengzhou, Henan, China; 2Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States

Diffusion-weighted MR imaging as a noninvasive technology sensitive to microscopic water diffusion has been one of the hottest tools used in neurological diseases in recent years. Previous studies commonly used quantitative ADC obtained from monoexponential fit to grade gliomas. However, the ADC calculated by monoexponential model was influenced by microcirculation of blood in vivo. The separation of diffution and perfusion was obtained from intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging of biexponential analysis with multiple b values. A stretched-exponential model of diffusion reflect the intravoxel heterogeneity in the distribution of diffusion coefficientsl.Our study investigated the comparison of monoexponential, biexponential and stretched-exponential models of DWI in grading gliomas.
