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Abstract #0400

CAIPIRINHA-DIXON-TWIST (CDT) Volume-Interpolated Breathhold Exam (VIBE) a New Technique for Fast Time-Resolved Dynamic Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Abdomen with High Spatial Resolution

Henrik J. Michaely1, Katrin Koziel, Philipp Riffel, Johannes Budjan1, Stefan O. Schoenberg, Ulrike I. Attenberger

1IKRN, UMM, Mannheim, BW, Germany

A new dynamic sequence is presented that combines CAIPIRINHA acceleration, Dixon fat-saturation and TWIST view sharing with a VIBE sequence. Dynamic imaging of the abdomen has been evaluated with this technique at 3T with a spatial resolution of 1.2x1.2x3mm and a temporal resolution of 2.9s/3D data set.


abdomen abdominal accelerated acceleration acquisition added additional aliasing allowed allows appreciated approved arrow arrowhead arterial arteries artery artifacts assess assessed audience best blinded body branches breath cancer channel clinicians coarse coded color common continuous contrast controlled datasets decrease degradation demonstrating depiction described determined diagnostic dimensional display distal dominant dynamic enhancement enhancing entire equal evaluated exam excellent experienced failure faintly fast feasibility frame frames frequently gradual gradually hepatic highly hold impaired included increasing independently initial injection internal interpolated intestines introduced liver lobe made maintained male measured media median metastases metastasis motion note novel ordinal organs parallel parametric patient patients phantom please portal quality radiologists radiotherapy readers reason reeder replace reproducible resolution resolved retrospective robust scale score segment selective separate separation sharing simultaneous slight solution spatial specializing started statistics stomach successfully system target temporal tended throughout towards transit tumor twist undergone upper vein venous vibe view visualization vividly volume water worst year years