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Abstract #0070

4 Dimensional, Single Step Laplacian Algorithm for Phase Unwrapping in 4D MR Flow

Michael Loecher1, Oliver Wieben1, 2, Kevin M. Johnson1

1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI, United States; 2Radiology, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI, United States

This study applies a single-step Laplacian based unwrapping algorithm to 4D-Flow MRI. The Laplacian operation is extended to all 4 dimensions to solve for a continuous phase field in space and time. Digital flow phantom experiments show the improved performance for varying SNR and VENC settings, and in vivo measurement with significant wrapping are shown to be successfully unwrapped.

unwrappingflowtemporalin vivospatialvelocitywrappedcontinuityphantomresolutionsteptruealiasingconditionsconsistencycorrecteddatasetsincludereconstructionsuccessfulunwrappedversionvesselsvolumetricvolunteersacknowledge