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Abstract #4203

Comparison of Highly Accelerated TV and Low Rank Methods for Breast DCE Data

Haonan Wang1, Neal Kepler Bangerter1, 2, Ganesh Adluru2, Matthias Schabel3, Glen R. Morrell2, Edward V.R. DiBella2

1Electrical & Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States; 2Department of Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States; 3Ohio State University

Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE MRI) of


accelerated acceleration accuracy acquisition actual aliasing although analyzing appear appears benign better bilateral blurred blurs boxes breast channel channels chosen city coil column columns combination comes compressed computer confirmed constrained constraints contrast curve curves dataset dedicated degrees density desirable detail determine differently dose dynamic electrical employed enable energy engineering enhanced equipped error evaluation even expense exploration explore feasible flush frame full fully function future glen good gradient help highly identify impressively improve incoherent indicated injected intensity lake lesions location malignant mask masks match matrix measures mitigate partial patient pattern performance permeability potentially promising proposed pseudo qualitatively quality quantitative quantitatively radiology random rank reason recently reconstructed reconstruction reconstructions required resolution resolutions rows saline salt sampled sampling scanner schemes seek sensing seven slightly smoothing space spatial spoiled subject subjects table temporal transaction tumor tumors typically uptake validate variable variation variety versa vessel vice washout young