Nina Tunariu1, David J. Collins1, Matthew Orton1, James A. d'Arcy1, Veronica A. Morgan1, Sharon L. Giles1, Nandita M. deSouza1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre, Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, London, United Kingdom
Diffusion Weighted MRI is considered a potential biomarker for anticancer therapy response. The literature suggests that assumption of a simple exponential relationship between signal attenuation and b value for ADC calculation may be too simplistic and that using more complicated mathematical models which account for the non-monoexponential behaviour of the diffusion signal attenuation in tissues results in a better data fitting and potentially less variable ADC estimates. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the mathematical model used to fit the DW-MRI data on the ADC values and their reproducibility.