Yuki Mori1, Punniyakoti Thanikachalam Veeraveedu2, Yutaka Komai2, Yoshichika Yoshioka1
1Biofunctional Imaging, WPI IFReC, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan; 2Single Molecule Imaging, WPI IFReC, Osaka University
This study investigated to visualize the lymphatic structures of healthy mice on high-resolution three-dimensional manganese–enhanced MRI (3D-MEMRI) at 11.7 T. Furthermore, we try to discriminate lymphatic vessels from blood streams with double contrast agents administration of interstitial manganese chloride solution (MnCl2) as a positive contrast agent for lymphatic vessels and intravenous micron-sized particles of iron oxide (MPIOs) as negative contrast for vein, respectively. Interstitial administration of MnCl2 resulted in a fast and high accumulation in lymph nodes and depicted lymphatic vessels clearly. In addition, simultaneous administration of interstitial MnCl2 and intravenous MPIOs discriminated lymphatic vessels from blood vessels.