Satkunasingham1, Ami Shah2, Stephan Kannengiesser3,
Andre De Oliveira3, Marcello Facciuto2, Bachir Taouli2
1Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 2Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States; 3Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
In this study involving a large number of patients (n=211), we have compared the diagnostic accuracy of 2 point Dixon and 3 point Dixon sequences to T2-corrected multiecho MR spectroscopy used as the reference standard. Hepatic iron deposition was determined using a breath-hold multi-echo T2* sequence. Results demonstrated the superiority of the 3 point Dixon over the 2 point Dixon method for quantifying hepatic fat, mainly related to the presence of concomitant iron deposition.