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Abstract #3902

A Non-Linear Subtraction Method for MRA

Yongquan Ye1, Dongmei Wu2, E.Mark Haacke1

1Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States; 2Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

We designed an interleaved-TR sequence for simultaneous flow rephased/dephased imaging. And by using subtraction method by self-squaring the images prior to the subtraction, not only the artery/tissue contrast is maintained or enhanced relative to linear subtraction, but also the venous signal is greatly reduced, generating MRA result with minimized venous contamination.


affected always amplitude angiography arrow arteries artery better bipolar blood china coil comparing compensated contain contamination contrast cross dash decay dependent diameter direct displays dotted drastically duration east enhance enhanced expressed faster final finally flow former fully function good gradient gradients greatly hand head heavy highest hyper hypo illustration incapability include indicate indicated indicates inserted intensity interleaved invisible issue issues latter leads limit linear linearly location longer major making mark methodology modeling mostly moving nature obvious optimizing original pair partial people physics positions post prior process processing profile profiles promising proper proposed protocol pushing quantitative radiology realize reduce reduced reducing removed replaced republic researchers resolution respectively reveal scale scanning section selective self separating shanghai shorter side simple simultaneously since slices smaller solid squared squaring steady still studies subsequent subtract subtracted subtraction summary surrounding system theoretically tissue tissues turn underwent variable vein veins velocity venous vessels volume