Renaud NICOLAS1, Grard RAFFARD2, Stphane SANCHEZ3, Eric PETERSON3, Florent AUBRY4, Isabelle BERRY5, Pierre CELSIS5, Bassem HIBA3
1Imagerie crbrale et handicaps neurologiques; UMR 825, INSERM, F-31059 Toulouse, , France; 2Centre de Rsonance Magntique des Systmes Biologiques,UMR 5536, CNRS,, F-33076 Bordeaux, France; 3Centre de Rsonance Magntique des Systmes Biologiques,UMR 5536,, CNRS,, F-33076 Bordeaux, France; 4Imagerie crbrale et handicaps neurologiques; UMR 825,, INSERM, F-31059 Toulouse,, France; 5Imagerie crbrale et handicaps neurologiques; UMR 825, INSERM, F-31059 Toulouse,, France
DWI images of 7 juvenile rats following MCAO were acquired with b-factors up to 2500 s/mm and with three diffusion times (10,30,50 ms)and analysed with the Statistical Model of Diffusion Imaging that provide a way to estimate Diffusional Kurtosis of ischemic brain regions. A statistically significant change for Dapp (40 % reduction) and Kapp (55 % rise) were observed in ischemic versus healthy cortex. No significant effects of diffusion times were observed in this preliminary study.