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Abstract #3463

Optimal Control Joint Design of Large-Tip-Angle RF Pulses and Gradient Waveforms for Parallel Transmission

Weiran Deng1, Benedikt Poser1, V Andrew Stenger1

1Department of Medicine, University of Hawaii JABSOM, Honolulu, HI, United States

Optimal Control Joint Design of Large-Tip-Angle RF Pulses and Gradient Waveforms for Parallel Transmission.


abstract accuracy accurate acknowledgments actual alone amplitude approximation backward better channel checked comparing computes computing constraint constraints control core defined demonstration descent design desired effective effectively eight enforce equation error excitation extended fast field final find forward gradient hard improve improvement includes index initial integrated iteration joint jointly length linear longer magnetization magnitude medicine minimizing multiplier multipliers nonlinear optimal optimization optimized optimizes parallel pattern peak penalty performance posed poser power predetermined problem profile profiles pulse pulses reached resolution resources sampled simulated simulation simulations simultaneously slew slices soft solving space spatial spectral spiral spoke square steepest steer stopped strategy supported theory trajectories trajectory trans transmission transmitters update variables view waveform waveforms