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Abstract #3165

Comparative in and Ex Utero Thalamic Volumetric Growth and the Effect of Preterm Birth

M Ash Ederies1, 2, Christina Malamateniou1, Tomoki Arichi2, Nora Tusor2, Serena J. Counsell2, Joanna M. Allsop1, Tayyib Hayat1, Joseph V. Hajnal1, Mary A. Ru

1Robert Steiner MRI Unit, Imaging Sciences Department, MRC CSC, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom; 2Centre for the Developing Brain, Imaging Sciences Department, MRC CSC, Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Preterm birth is associated with grey and white matter abnormalities which translate into adverse neurodevelopment. There is disruption of thalamo-cortical connectivity as evident by reduced thalamic volume at term equivalent age. Our aim was to compare thalamic growth trajectories of the fetal, term and preterm populations. Manual thalamic segmentations were performed on data sets (T2w) corrected for motion using the Snapshot-to-Volume Reconstruction algorithm. The development of the thalamus for fetal and term populations modelled a single growth curve. The growth curve of the preterm group was consistent with the fetal group during mid-gestation but showed reduction beyond 35 weeks.


abnormalities abut academic agreement analyses anatomical aspect aspects assessed atlas authors background ball best birth body borders born brain capsule central choroid clearly close coefficients college committee comparable consistent consistently contrast control controls corrected cortex cortical council critical curve curves curvilinear defined delineation delineations described development deviation disrupted equivalent ethics excluded exponential features fetal fetuses findings gestation gestational going growth health heart hospital human imperial independent indicating infants inferior informed institute internal interpretation intraclass investigation kingdom lateral like limit linear manual margin margins medical motion national neonatal neonates nervous notable nuclei occurs operating paediatrics part period phenotype plexus populations potentially pregnancies prescribed previously prior process published queen radiography reconstruction recruited reduction regression related relation represent resolution respectively restriction scanning sciences segmentation sets snap snapshot software statistical statistically steiner structure structures subjects successfully superior supplemented support system term thalamus thank trajectories trajectory transformed twin unit upper ventricle volume volumes volumetric week weeks