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Abstract #3122

Two-Year Serial Whole-Brain N-Acetylaspartate in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Daniel Rigotti1, Matilde Inglese1, Ivan Kirov1, Nissa Perry1, Joseph Herbert2, Robert I. Grossman1, Oded Gonen1

1Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States; 2Neurology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States

We test the hypotheses that: relapsing-remitting (RR) MS patients exhibit quantifiable whole-brain N-acetylaspartate (WBNAA) decline, that is more sensitive than clinical changes; and may provide a practical outcomes for proof-of-concept trials. WBNAA was collected from 19 RR MS patients 335 years-old of 4728 months disease duration. Patients baseline WBNAA, 10.51.7mM, was significantly lower than controls 12.31.3mM-(p0.002) and declined significantly (5%/year- p0.002) while controls did not (0.4%/year-p0.7). Similarly, patients brain volume declined significantly (0.5%/year- p0.0001, controls:0.2%/year-p=0.08) with no significant EDSS changes. These results indicate that WBNAA is a longitudinally sensitive marker for neurodegeneration and may be suitable for larger multi-center trials.


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