C. Maas1, Jurgen J. Ftterer2, Tom W.J. Scheenen2
1Radiology , Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, GLD, Netherlands; 2Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, GLD, Netherlands
Quality assurance measurements were performed for a prospective study involving 10 institutions, aimed at proving the diagnostic accuracy of 3T multi-modality MR imaging including high-resolution T2-weighted imaging, DWI, DCE and 3D MRSI in distinguishing carcinoma from other prostate tissue. ADCs, T1s and (Choline + Spermine + Creatine) / Citrate ratios were compared in 5 institutions in this preliminary study. Modest but statistically significant differences between institutions were found in all 3 categories. Whether this warrants corrections of the quantitative data for the prospective study will be subject to further investigation.