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Abstract #2917

Multi-Channel Image Ratio Constrained Reconstruction and Its Application for Highly Accelerated Temperature Mapping

Feng Huang1, Max Khler2, Jukka Tanttu2, Wei Lin1, George Randy Duensing1

1Invivo Corporation, Gainesville, FL, United States; 2Philips Healthcare, Vantaa, Finland

Image ratio constrained reconstruction (IRCR) is a generalized version of HYPR (HighlY constrained PRojection) for highly accelerated dynamic imaging. In this work, IRCR is extended to combine with parallel imaging. The multi-channel IRCR is applied to real time temperature mapping for MR guided HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound). Preliminary results for thermometry data obtained during HIFU sonications in a phantom show that net reduction factor 4.8 (R = 4.8) can be achieved with a 3-channel coil. The maximum temperature error was found to be within 1 C (RMSE < 0.26C) at R = 4.8.
