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Abstract #2853

A Real-Time FMRI Communication Interface for Turbo-BrainVoyager 3.0 Using the TBV 3.0 Plugin Interface

Michael Lhrs1, Charles Mller1, Johannes Bernarding1

1Department of Biometry and Medical Informatics, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Real-time fMRI communication interface between Turbo-BrainVoyager 3.0 and other software tools, providing transfer of multiple data (ROI's) and datatypes based on the TCP/IP protocol.


activation adapted allowed allows application applications arbitrary available beta biometry blue brain breaks built call classes communication completion computer concept connection connections container controls correctly correlate cortex cortical curves depicted description detection developed developers development direct domain enables ensure error errors establish established evaluation executed experiment export extended external extracted fast features feedback flexible flow foundations free functionalities functionality functions generic idea implement implemented include informatics inter interface interfaces internal interrupted library medical module modules navigate navigating next object open operational opportunity oriented overview panel party pink possibility process processed processing project protocol providing real reality realized realizes receive received repetition restrict returned robust scanner scanners scene scenes selected send sender sent separate server serves simultaneous software source springer standardized started step stimuli structure structures subject subjects subsequently successfully system systems third thread took tool transfer transferred transmission transmitting trio turbo types typically user users version virtual visualization visualized whether wider