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Abstract #2827

BrainNet Viewer: A Graph-Based Brain Network Mapping Tool

Mingrui Xia1, Jinhui Wang1, Yong He1

1State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

With the development of complex network analyzes on human brain neuroimaging data; visualization of the structural and functional connectivity patterns became an important part of the graph theoretical approach. An easy using network visualization tool can help researchers show their results intuitively, and highlight their key point. Therefore we developed this brain network visualization tool termed as BrainNet Viewer, which can help researchers visualize structural and functional connectivity patterns from different levels in a quick, easy and flexible way. This package can be downloaded from NITRC (


abstract accepted adjust allow analyzed approaches association brain china cognitive collective color combinations connected constructed containing correlation cortical defined developed display downloaded drawing draws easy edge edges either environment exported exporting extensions extract flexible flexibly freely frequently full functional fundamentally generated graph graphs help hemisphere highlight highly hubs human import important includes index interactive interface interregional intrinsic intuitively kinds label laboratory language latest layout learning linked loaded loading mainly manners many mapping maps matrix medium merge mesh methodology modeled modularity naturally nature network networks neural nodal node nodes operations option options organization organizational output paired panel parametric pathways people permitted principles procedure programming projects properties quick rapid recent released represented researchers resolution revealed saved saving setting several simply statistical steps structural studies suffix suggested summarized support supported surface surfer synchronized system theoretical theory thresholds tiff tool topological transparency uncovering underlying user users various vertex view viewer views visualization visualize volume zoom