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Abstract #2788

A Novel Multichannel Wireless Receive Phased Array Coil Without Integrated Preamplifiers for High Field MR Imaging Applications

Haoqin Zhu1, Mehran Fallah-Rad1, Michael Lang1, Wayne Schellekens1, Kirk Champagne1, Labros Petropoulos1

1R&D, IMRIS Inc, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

A novel wireless phased array coil that is inductively coupled with the body coil is presented. This coil design eliminates the use of cables and all active components (such as pre-amps and active diodes). This design reduces the overall dimensions of the coils as well as drastically improves the workflow during imaging. Additionally, B1 field sensitivity was improved by 15 dB. SNR and volunteer imaging indicate that the proposed design demonstrate equal performance compared with available 12-channel head coils. Finally, the lack of coil ID requirement enables the coils to work on any OEM MR system at the particular field.


abdomen active additional additionally advantage amplifiers amps apparent array arrays assembly assist attempts bench body brain bulkiness bulky butterfly cable cables challenges channel channels circuits coil coils combined commercial communicate completion complexities complications components considered constant conversion copper cord cork counterpart coupled coverage creates cybernetics degradation depicted design designed designs detuning dimensions diodes driven early electronics element elements eliminate eliminates eliminating enables equal extremities fiber field finally frequency full furthermore fuse geometrically good guided half head heating hence improvement improves indicate individual inductive inductively integrated introduced introduces isolation kirk lack laminate local long makes massive matching measured need network novel operate optic optical outer overall particular particularly passive past patent performance phantom positioned power presence probe proposed quality radio receive reduce reduces reducing reduction require required requirement requires respectively sacrificing sensitivity significantly simulation since structure system technology terms transmission transmit traps tuned unloaded upon upper visible volunteer width wireless world years