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Abstract #2479

Correcting Slice Selectivity in Hard Pulse Sequences

David Manuel Grodzki1, 2, Peter Jakob1, Bjoern Heismann2, 3

1EP5, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany; 2Magnetic Resonance, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany; 3Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany

Many MRI sequences use non-selective hard pulse excitation in the presence of imaging gradients. In this work, we investigate possible artefacts due to unwanted slice-selectivity in hard pulse sequences. A correction algorithm is proposed that eliminates the influence of the excitation profile. Phantom as well as in-vivo measurements prove that enhanced image quality can be obtained as long as the first minimum of the excitation profile lies outside the imaged object.


acquisition adapted application applications avoided back bandwidths blurring bone buffer burst class clinical close completely consent constant contrast corrected correcting correction defined defining depend depends detectable dimensional distance distribution disturbed duration easily elements eliminate eliminated eliminates enabled enhanced equation equations errors establish evaluated examples excitation excitations excited fits gradient gradients hard head healthy help identical implemented in vivo influence influences informed instead intensity inversion inversions investigate investigated kept known lies ligaments like limitations linear long longer loss magma magnetization mainly many materials matrix measured might minimal noise object offers original outer outside parts perfectly peter post presence problem processing profile profiles projections propose proposed proven pulse pulses radial readout reconstructed reconstruction recovers resolution respectively rewritten rotate scanner selection selective selectivity severe simulate simulated simulation simulations slice slight solve solved space spectral sphere strength strengths superposes symmetries system teeth tendons theory timings tissues trajectories transformations transformed truly ultrashort uncorrected undisturbed unwanted volunteers windowing zero