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Abstract #2037

Blood Flux Imaging in Rodent Brain Using FENSI

Olivier Reynaud1, Luisa Ciobanu1

1Neurospin, CEA, Saclay, France

This study uses the FENSI technique as an alternative to ASL to characterize and quantify non-invasively tumor microvascular flux in a rat glioma model (9L). We highlight a significant increase (1248%) in tumor blood flux at early developmental stages (tumor size < 2mm). At late stages (tumor size > 3mm) we observe tumor compartmentalization with the presence of a hypovascularized core (5511L/min/cm) and a peripheral region presenting similar blood flux (8323L/min/cm) as the healthy contralateral side. The different regions found in our FENSI flux maps correlate well with histological results which reflect endothelial cell concentrations (CD31 staining).


access account acknowledge acquiring agreement arrows arterial blood blue brad brain cells cerebral champaign characterization comp completely concentrations content control core correspond delay delimited ding diseases display early edge endogenous enhanced every evolution fens field flow flux green healthy histological histology hypo implanted injection intensity invasive invert knowledge labeling late listed localization localized location magnetically magnetization maps matching matrix metric micro microscopy model module nose nuclei observe pairs pass perfusion periphery pulse pulsed pulses quantify rats refocus registered repeated respectively rodent sacrificed saturate saturated saturation setup several short slice slow solid spins stage stroke studies subject suffer support table tagging tilt tissue tracer train transit triple tumor tumors typical vascular vessels water week ween wolf yellow zoom