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Abstract #1723

A New Approach to Short-TE Full-Sensitivity MRSI of Human Brain at 7T

Lijing Xin1, Vladimir Mlynarik2, Rolf Gruetter, 12

1Department of Radiology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2Laboratory of functional and metabolic imaging, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

In this study, a short-TE MRSI sequence (TE=12ms) based on a semi-adiabatic spin-echo was implemented at 7T Siemens scanner, and we demonstrate that it is feasible to measure high quality spectra from multiple voxels in human brain simultaneously, with full signal intensity, no baseline distortion and minimal chemical shift displacement and signal loss due to T2 and J-modulation, thus allows regional maps of nine metabolites. The high SNR achieved in this study can allow the further improvement of spatial resolution.
