von Morze1, Subramaniam Sukumar1, Galen Reed1,
Peder E. Larson1, John Kurhanewicz1, Daniel B. Vigneron1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
The spectral selectivity of SSFP in the low flip angle regime enables frequency-specific imaging of hyperpolarized 13C compounds. Through simulations, we optimized the acquisition parameters for dynamic frequency-specific SSFP imaging of co-polarized [1-13C]pyruvate and [13C]urea, which is useful for studying tumor metabolism and perfusion in vivo. We implemented the methods as a dynamic frequency-cycled bSSFP pulse sequence on a 14.1T animal MRI scanner. We performed thermal and hyperpolarized phantom studies to test the acquisition, and performed in vivo dynamic imaging of a normal mouse kidney.