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Abstract #1437

Measurement of Post-Exercise Glycogen Resynthesis Following Ingestion of Glucose Polymers with Different Molecular Weights and Osmolality: A 13C MRS Study.

Mary Charlotte Stephenson1, Frances Gunner2, Paul L. Greenhaff2, Peter G. Morris1, Ian A. MacDonald2

1SPMMRC, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom; 2School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Ingestion of a high molecular weight glucose polymer (HMW) with low osmolality leads to greater early increases in blood glucose and insulin compared with a glucose polymer with lower molecular weight (LMW) and higher osmolality. This study aims to use 13C MRS to measure differences in muscle glycogen resynthesis rates following ingestion of three different drinks: HMW, LMW, and flavoured water. Despite significant increases in glycogen levels following HMW and LMW ingestion, rates of glycogen resynthesis were smaller than expected and were not significantly different between the two glucose polymers. No glycogen resynthesis was found following ingestion of flavoured water.


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