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Abstract #1206

High Spatial Resolution 3D CE MRA Using Extremely Small-Sized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles(ESION) at 3T MRI

Pan-Ki Kim1, 2, Bong-sik Jeon3, Young Ho So4, Eung-Gyu Kim3, Whal Lee2, 5

1Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 2SNU-Duke Cardiovascular MR Research Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 3Nano R&D Group, Hanwha Chemical, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of; 4Radiology, Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 5Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Extremely small-sized iron oxide nanoparticles (ESION) recently developed an iron oxide based contrast agent was made of 3 nm-sized nanoparticle. Because of small size iron oxide nanoparticles, ESION has low r2/r1 ratio and long blood circulation time, unlike existing superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO), and that can be utilized as T1 contrast agent like a gadolinium based one without nephrogenic system fibrosis. This study was carried out to evaluate whether ESION is clinically useful through the animal study that acquired first-pass MR image and high spatial resolution 3D MR angiograph at steady-state to compare with gadolinium based contrast agent (Gd-DOTA).


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