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Abstract #0933

Effect of Hyperbaric Pressure on T1, T2, T2* & B0 of the Rat Brain During MRI

Eric R. Muir1, Damon Cardenas1, Guang Li1, John Roby1, Timothy Duong1, 2

1Research Imaging Institute, UT Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States; 2Ophthalmology, UT Health Science Center

Oxygen has several effects on MRI signals including T1 shortening, T2/T2* BOLD effects from hemoglobin, and the Bo field may be altered by paramagnetic oxygen. Oxygen is increased under hyperbaric conditions which have been used to treat various conditions, so MRI of subjects within hyperbaric chambers may therefore be affected. The goal of this study is to characterize the effects of normobaric and hyperbaric conditions on T1, T2, T2*, and Bo. These parameters changed only slightly, indicating that MRI under hyperbaric conditions should not be dramatically affected, paving the way for functional MRI studies under hyperbaric pressure.


absolute acting addition affected agent allow although analyzed anesthesia anesthetized animal animals arterial assist attempted bars bold brain breathing cables canals carbon cause cerebellum cerebral cerebrum challenges chamber coil coils condition conditions consistent constructed cortex cradle custom decompression decrease decreased diamagnetic diameter differed difficulty discussed dissolved distortions dramatically effective ends equipment error explored field findings fitting flash flow fluctuations frequency fresh front geometric glue goal gradient grease health heart holder holes indicate inside institute investigate lengthened likely made maps matrix measured minor monitored monitoring monoxide needed negligible ophthalmology oxygen paired palsy paramagnetic partial particularly paving physiological physiology poisoning position pressure pressurized previously proton rare rats recovery rectal reduced regional remain reported representative responses scaled scanner science sclerosis sealed seven several shape shorten shortened shortening sickness slice slices slightly spontaneous statistical stem stroke studies substantial substantially summarized surface table technical tended thalamus therapy thick tight timothy treat treatment urethane usually weaker whole