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Abstract #0906

High-Field Diffusion Tensor Imaging Characterization of Cerebral White Matter Injury in LPS Exposed Fetal Sheep

MAGNA25Yohan van de Looij1, 2, Gregory A. Lodygensky1, Justin M. Dean3, Henrik Hagberg3, Carina Mallard3, Petra S. Hppi1, Rolf Gruetter2, 4, Stphane Sizonenko1

1Division of Child Growth & Development, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; 2Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; 3Perinatal Center, University of Gothenburg, Gteborg, Sweden; 4Department of Radiology, University of Geneva and Lausanne, Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland

Encephalopathy of prematurity is a major cause of developmental disabilities in up to 75% infants after preterm birth. The aim of this study was to characterize the changes in the developing sheep WM following fetal LPS exposure by MRI: T1W, T2W images and DTI as well as histopathology correlation. The combination of lesions observed in LPS treated fetal sheep mimics very well the pattern of injuries seen in premature infants. We show the excellent ability of DTI to classify different types of brain lesions following LPS exposure with specific changes of DTI derived between different lesions.


abnormalities absence accumulation achieved adult alteration altered anatomical anatomy animals anti axial begun better birth brain brains cell cells cerebral characterization characterized classification clinical close cognitive coil collected commission common comparable comprehension computation coronal corpus cystic cysts damage delineated delineation depicted derived described detect developing developmental diffuse diffusion disabilities disorganization display disruption division eigenvectors encephalopathy establishes estimator evaluation excellent excessive exhibit exhibited exposure fetal fibers field focal fond formalin fractional gestation global growth histology human humans identified infants inflammation inflammatory injured injuries injury intensity inversion laboratory length lesion lesions liquid loss mallard manual manually maps metabolic middle mimics model models moderately mouse necrosis necrotic nevertheless nonliving panel parietal pattern perinatal positive precursor premature properties protein received recognized recovery reduced represent scarce several sham sheep shielded significance significantly site software solenoid song specifically spin stage strategies strong studies subsequent system tensor term tissue track train turbo typical understanding vehicle volume volumes white