Rastogi1, Nidhi Tyagi2, Kaushik Ghosh2, Raja
1Centre of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India; 2Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
In the present work, a non-lanthanide Manganese containing new ligand based MRI contrast agent has been designed and synthesized with a possibility of binding with amyloid plaques. Relaxivity studies were performed at 3T under different imaging parameters. The contrast agent demonstrated comparable r1with standard as well as enhanced negative contrast in relaxivity studies performed on phantom created. The relaxivity value r1 for Mn contrast was found to be comparable (7.24 /mM/s) with respect to Gd-DTPA (8.26 /mM/s). While, T2 shortening efficacy in terms of r2 was 41.26 /mM/s approximately four times more (11.10 /mM/s) as compared to Gd-DTPA.