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Abstract #0681

Glioma Cells Transfected with the Gene Mms6 Produce a Strong Increase in Transverse Relaxivity In Vitro

MAGNA25Brenda Robledo1, Xiaoyong Zhang1, Steve Harris1, Xiaoping Hu1

1Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States

The gene mms6, originally identified in magnetotactic bacteria, expresses a protein thought to initiate magnetite crystal formation inside specialized organelles. Genetic loss-of-function studies suggest the protein also regulates the size of the iron-oxide crystals. We hypothesized that cells transfected with mms6 would store increased levels of iron and thereby produce MR contrast. In Vitro, we found that mms6 positive glioma cells stored 2.8 times more iron than control cells and also showed a 90.6% increase in transverse relaxivity at 9.4 Tesla compared to control cells. Our results suggest that mms6 may function as an MR reporter gene in cancer studies.


acid added agent alliance arrows bars biomedical blot blue bound buffer called cancer capable capturing cell cells chem chemical citrate clone color conditions confirmed contrast control crystal culture cultured cytoplasm days deep dehydrated develop divide ease echoes electro electron ells embedded enclosed endogenous error expresses fast ferric fixed fold form formation freeze function gene generate genes graph gravity greater grow grown histology hour hypothesized ideal identified implantation in vivo incubated incubation indicate indicates institute intracellular invasive inverted investigate iron labeled lead localized location magnetite mass measured media membrane microscope microscopy minutes modality must negative nuclear nucleation organ outside particles pellets positive possibly presence prior produce produced proliferation protein regulate reporter resin respectively scanner sections selected settling shape spatial specialize spectrometry staining statistically structure structures studies subjected suggest suggesting supple supplement supplementation supplemented sustained tech thought tissue transmission transverse treated treatment trio twice unlike uptake vesicles washed whether whole