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Abstract #0601

Verification of Contactless Multi-Channel UWB Navigator by One Dimensional MRT

Olaf Kosch1, Florian Thiel1, Steffen Schneider1, Bernd Ittermann1, Frank Seifert1

1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany

The motion detection by contactless multi-channel UWB radar for cardiac MRI navigator is verified by a simultaneously measured one dimensional pencil-like MRI for cardiac and respiration motion. A blind source separation was applied in UWB and MR data sets to separate the cardiac and respiration motion components.


abdominal ables acquisition acronym addition additional affected allowing ally amplitude analyzed another antennas applied applying assume band basic blind blood body breath cardiac channel channels chest closer communications comp component components conclude contraction contrast course cross crossing curve curves delay delayed depicts detect detection differ dimensional double eden ency especially excited field filtered five frank free frequency front gained heart implemented included inside interfere intersection latter like magneto materials mechanics mind mined monitor motion navigator neural next outside pair peaks pencil pendent perfectly perpendicular placed placement power priority producing profiles project radar receiver render require respiration routine sampled saturation scanner section selected sensitive separated separation seriously setup simultaneously slice slices slopes source spectral subtraction system table towards trigger triggering typically ultra ultrahigh variable velocity ventricle verified