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Abstract #0481

T2 Tracks Microstructural Changes in Implantable, Iron Oxide-Doped Hyaluronic Acid/collagen Hydrogels for Preclinical & Regenerative Medicine.

Bradley D. Hann1, Kevin M. Bennett2

1School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering , Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States; 2School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States

To facilitate the development of hydrogel scaffolds for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications, we have developed a technique to monitor the changes in hydrogel structure caused by cellular or enzymatic degradation in a biocompatible, hyaluronic acid/collagen hydrogel. Changes in macromolecular structure of hydrogels result in changes in aggregation state of bound iron oxide nanoparticles. We report T2 changes during enzymatic and cellular degradation that correlate with ultrastructural change measured with electron microscopy. Hydrogels are also detected in vivo with MRI.


acid adjacent agent agents aggregation alpha altered applied bind binds bound cell cells changing clusters coated collagen component consistent control controlled controls correction course days degradation degraded degrading density described developed diameter diffusion doped doping dried drop either electro electron embedded enables entire enzymatically enzyme essential every finally flash form formed formulations freeze frozen gels generated gill grown healing health heparin hydro in vivo induce influence injected inside instead interactions inversion iron labeled least liquid longer macro makes maps matrix measured mediates mesh microscopy minutes monitor monitoring morphology native nitrogen occurred optimization organization oxide particles period perturbations plated pore pores precisely previously products properties real received regenerative release report sample samples scaffold scanner school shortens situ sputter stem stored structural structure survival systems taken tech technologies therapy tracks ultrastructure visualized water weest wound