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Abstract #0435

An Investigation on the Channel Spacing Limits in SSB-Based Wireless MRI Receiver Arrays

MAGNA25Matthew J. Riffe1, Natalia Gudino1, Michael D. Twieg2, Jeremy A. Heilman3, Mark A. Griswold1, 4

1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States; 2Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States; 3Quality Electrodynamics (QED), Mayfield Village, OH, United States; 4Radiology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States

Ideally in SSB-based wireless MRI, the frequency spacing between encoded signals is limited by the bandwidth of the MR acquisition. This would allow for a very dense wireless transmission spectrum, which is necessary when transmitting all the signals present in highly parallel detector arrays. Unfortunately, this dense spacing only works if the noise outside the MRI signal bandwidth does not impact the other multiplexed signals. In this work, we show that this interference can have a substantial impact and must be considered during design. We demonstrate this by constructing an eight channel wireless head array for 1.5T.


acquisition alone amplitude antenna antennas array arrays band bandwidth biomedical cable cables carrier carriers channel channels clock coil coils collect collected combination combined consideration constructed constructing corresponded counterpart cumulative cylinder decrease dense density depicts describing designed despite determine diagram diameter eight electrical electrodynamics encoded engineering ensure existed fellowship filter filtered floor frequencies frequency gain handle head highly illustrated impact implementing important incentive interactions interference investigate investigation like limit limitations limited local loops loss many mark materials measured mitigates mixed modulated modulation module modules mounted multiplexed multiplexing multiplied must necessary negative noise operating optimal optimized output outputs outside particular performance phantom picture practical preamplifier predicted preserve preserved prevented profile programmed proposed quality radiology receiver recovered rectangular reducing repeated reserve restricted selected separation sideband significantly simple simulation slice smallest solution spacing spectrum still substantial supported synchronization system theory thicknesses third together transmission transmit transmitter transmitting unique useful vary village western wired wireless worse