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Abstract #0258

Effects of Gradient Nonlinearity, Its Correction Methods & Distortion on Diffusion Weighted Imaging

MAGNA25Ek T. Tan1, Luca Marinelli1, Zachary W. Slavens2, Christopher J. Hardy1, Kevin F. King2

1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States; 2GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States

The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) obtained with diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is a promising non-contrast cancer imaging bio-marker. Gradient nonlinearity (GN) results in spatially-varying ADC, an effect that is confounded by distortion related to the DWI acquisition. Evaluations were performed in two whole-body MRI systems at 1.5T in various anatomical regions. GN correction (GNC) used up to 13 orders of spherical harmonics, and was used with and without the full b-matrix in the diffusion-tensor computation. GNC resulted in a significant reduction in ADC error in both systems. Distortion effects resulted in a significant ADC difference between both systems.


accuracy accurate acquisition actual allowed already anatomies anatomy apparent applied authors axes axial axis bath benefits beyond body bore bottom brain breasts cancer cardiac causes central characteristics coefficient coil comparing computation computing confounding contrast converge coordinates correction dashed decouples determine diameter diameters differ diffusion diminishing displaced distortion double element ellipsoids endogenous error errors especially evaluated evaluates even expected explores extent field full generated global going gradient gradients greater hardy harmonics iced impact importance improve in vivo inaccuracies indicated inherent initial inner inputs kidneys king liver magnet magnitude many maps marker matrix moreover narrower needed nonlinear nonlinearity normalized parallel peak phantom positions preparation produces promising protocol protocols readout reduce reduced reducing reduction remains repeatability repeated reproducibility residual sample scanners serial simulation site slices slightly solid space spatial spatially spherical spin spine studies suggest susceptibility system systems table thank torso underscores understood variation various vary varying vendors versions volume warping water whole workshop