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Abstract #0225

High Spatial and Temporal Resolution 2D Real Time and 3D Whole-Heart Cardiac Cine MRI Using Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging with Golden Angle Radial Trajectory

SUMMA25Li Feng1, 2, Jian Xu3, Leon Axel4, Daniel Sodickson4, Ricardo Otaz14

1Radiology , New York University School of Medicine, New York, United States; 2Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York University School of Medicine, New York, United States; 3Siemens Medical Solutions, New York, United States; 4Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, United States

Cardiac cine MRI is valuable for imaging myocardial function. High spatial and temporal resolutions are desirable to improve diagnostic utility. In this study, we propose a joint reconstruction algorithm that combines compressed sensing and parallel imaging for highly undersampled golden angle radial k-space acquisitions, to enable 2D real-time and 3D whole-heart cardiac cine MRI with previously inaccessible spatial and temporal resolution. The technique allows reconstruction of the same data set with different temporal resolutions. We demonstrate the feasibility of 2D real-time cine imaging with 11ms temporal resolution and 3D whole-heart cine imaging with an acquisition window of 22.4ms per partition.


accelerated accelerating accelerations accuracy achieve acquisition acquisitions adequate adjacent alternative apex arbitrary artifacts axis beat biomedical body bottom breath breathing calculations capable capacity cardiac cine coil combination compressed conjugate continuous cover customized dataset developed diastole done dummy dynamic ejection enable equipped evaluation except extended flexibility fold form fraction free full function future gating golden graduate grant healthy heart highly hold illustrates impaired implemented includes inclusion incorporating institute interpolates linear long matrix medical medicine meet middle moreover motion multiplication offers operator parallel partial particularly partition partitions pixel please predefine prescribed presence propose pulse quality quantitative radial radiology rasps reaching real recently reconstruct reconstruction reconstructions related repeating representations representative requirements resolution resolutions respiratory retrospective scanned scanner scheme school sciences sense sensing sensitivities series sets short slice slices software space sparse spatial spokes sponsor stack stars steady susceptible systolic table temporal together trajectories trajectory transform transformation useful valuable variation views volume volunteer whole window